Knowing that you have the support and care of an experienced midwife when you return home from hospital could be invaluable. The importance of good quality postnatal care is often overlooked and NHS community midwives are stretched to capacity which means visits can be few and far between.
We want you to feel reassured, nurtured and confident about your journey into parenthood. Our visits will provide you with a full postnatal midwifery check for you and your baby and allow you the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have. We can help you with practical advice on baby care, bathing, settling and feeding issues. You may also wish to discuss and reflect on your labour and birth.
You are welcome to book a single appointment or discuss with us the option of a package of postnatal care. Please contact us to discuss the options best suited to you.
£125/hr weekdays
£150 evenings or weekends