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My Birth Tale started on 5th April 2017, when I was told, not very compassionately, that I would have never got pregnant without an IVF.

My husband and I decided to give ourselves another year to figure out what to do. We wanted to have children but in case they didn’t come, I would have been happy being a family of two, living a fulfilling life and travelling around the world…Well all of these plans went out of the window when, on 2nd May 2017, 4 weeks after getting the “bad news” I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant!!!

I had a very straightforward pregnancy, enjoying my growing belly and my baby dancing at night and sleeping while I was teaching my indoor cycling classes.


My due date was 31st December, but I made arrangements with my little girl (we wanted to know the sex, we thought we got enough surprises already) that she should come to the world earlier than that, so to have Christmas together, as we weren’t going to be with our families this time around, but later than the Christmas party with my colleagues.

And so she did: Christmas party on 21st, dancing and twerking all evening and started labour on 23rd at 1.30 am.


My labour was not the easiest: 28 hours of regular contractions, going from bathing at home, to a birth centre enjoying my husband’s back rubs, to the labour ward with an epidural and hormone drip because our little girl wasn’t going anywhere near the birth canal and was turning with her back towards mine (ouch!). The fact that I was a midwife and I was looked after the most amazing team of friends and colleagues made them the most wonderful 28 hours of our lives.


Arianna was born on 24th December at 07.57 via emergency Caesarean section and I will never forget the immense joy I felt when I saw her sweet little face for the very first time. Probably that helped me recover so quickly that two days later we were home already and, as soon as we put the bags down, we took our little one to the shopping centre, forgetting it was Boxing Day!!

Most of the time I still can’t believe she’s here, but then I’m back to reality when I change her nappies, wake up at night and look at that sweet little face and those beautiful big eyes I dreamt of for months! 😉





Website design by Rachel 2017. Proudly created with

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